Here are some typical screens from our databases. We have found these interface styles very user-friendly, offering a good combination of powerful features, tidy layout and readability.
Database application window with Report options form showing This shows the whole MS Access window with the default toolbars at the top, the application menu on the left and an open form (Report options).
Menus The application menu appears on the left hand side of the MS Access window. There are expanding sections with sub menus. This style has many advantages over the MS Access 'switchboard' style: • always visible • faster • looks better
Form with single record details This form shows a single record that has a reasonable number of fields. Some of the useful features are:
• find lists at the top to search for records • tabs to organise the data and provide links to related data • 'calculated' fields that give more information
Reporting: Field Selection This form is used for selection of fields to be reported or exported. It allows the user to choose the order of fields as well as grouping options.
Data Entry Wizard Form For controlled data entry, a wizard-style entry is very good. This is an example of the first form in the wizard. Once correct entry of these fields is done, the 'Next' button will be enabled, allowing the user onto the next step. There maybe up to 5 steps to complete entry of all the required data. At any point the user would be able to move backwards and forwards betwen the forms of the wizard. There would be a Save button on the final form.
Data Selection Options Forms with options like this would be used for selecting data for reports, searches or other processing. Lists and fields (like the date field) will only be shown in context (when they can be used), so the options are very intuative. The lists always allow multiple entries to be selected.
Calendar Style Forms These forms can be used to show bookings, jobs, daily statistics, etc. They are designed to show the detailed information for a day by just moving the mouse over the relevant day. Clicking the day usually brings up further details.
Audit Trail of Data Changes Forms can be programmed to record the data changes that are made. Here is an example of a form that shows the Audit Trail information on a special tab. It shows: • date and time of the change • who made the change • fields changed • before and after values